2012. december 14., péntek


How to make teenagers become really interested in cultural issues has always been a difficult question but it is especially so these days when the internet provides a press-button solution to almost any kind of question we want to answer. But what if we try to take the advantage of the net in a way that we give the students a chance to use it freely in the lesson to answer several questions in a limited time?
That’s why we decided that this year one of our traditional English language competitions should not be the usual „how to translate a given English text into Hungarian” with the help of a dictionary but giving the students difficult and complex questions to be answered with a sensible use of any search program on the net. In this way the right answer can only be found after checking at least four or five relevant sites.
The result was surprisingly positive: the students enjoyed searching the English web pages to answer the questions referring to British, American or Australian topics. The competition tested their English knowledge, their ability to select among the infinite information found on the net and most importantly their common sense wisdom which they certainly must need in the future.Ferenc Kertész

The results: Kasnyik Ádám was the fastest, Farkas Fanny came the second and Szalai Marci got the bronze medal. We should not forget about the two 9th graders, Veszeli Lili and Varga Bence who also managed to fill in the quiz perfectly.
In the pictures one of the organisers, Sípos László is congratulating the winners.
Ferenc Kertész